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書名:《茶馬古道記:英文版》 (閱讀中國五彩叢書)
作者:何永飛著 ?[美]索爾?湯普森譯
書號:ISBN 9787500159674
? ? 《茶馬古道記:英文版》 (閱讀中國五彩叢書)以長詩的手法,描述數(shù)千年來,在這條因茶馬互市而形成的古道上演繹的許許多多悲歡離合、發(fā)人深省的故事。詩中的茶馬人物敘述,以真人真事為主,以各民族間相互依存,相互往來,團結(jié)親善,和睦友好為主題,反映了云南和西藏因茶馬古道的紐帶相連,而在經(jīng)濟、社會和文化方面的發(fā)展歷史。本書是英文版。
Part One ?Thousand-year Hoofprints
? Mountains-and-Rivers Code
? Thousand-year Hoofprints
? The Strange Tale of a Horse-Driver
? Tea-leaf Nirvana
? Horses Calling
? Witness to a Snow Mountain
? To an Old Relay Post
? Nature's Children
? An Ode to the Absolute Grit of Horse-Caravans
? From River Valley to the Top of a Snow Mountain
? 5000 metres Above Sea-level and Counting
? Desolation too, is Beautiful
? Road Signs
? Meadows of the High Plateau
? Before Sunset
? A Rock with Long Legs
? Time Takes Form
Part Two ?Loves of Lugu Lake
? The Story of Tenth Daughter Ah Shi
? The Light of Faith
? The Hunting Gun and the Holy Book
? Pilgrimage
? Transcend
? Butter Lamp
? Calling Back Lost Souls
? Canyon Ballad
? Zip wire River Crossing
? Wild Beasts Lurk inside Dreams
? Widow Alley
? Ferry Crossing
? Sound of Wind in the Wilderness
? Crucifix on a Horse's Back
? The Girls with Tea Sacks on their Back
? Reincarnation
? The Last Horse-Driver
Part Three ?Music of Life's Heart-Strings
? High Plateau Pledge of Allegiance
? Moonlight of Dukezong
? Tibet-Holy Land
? Pure Land of the Snowfields
? The Colour of Kangding
? Great Jokhang Temple
? Water Song of the Shu River
? Heartbreak Fruit
? The Valley of Love Suicide
? Mutual Reliance
? Erlang Mountain
? The Weight of a Soul
? Fear and Reverence
? Eagle Flute
? Monument to a Dog
? Rikeze
? The Soul Remains in Tibet
? In the Name of Love
Part Four ?Blood-ways of History
? Thus Spoke the Green Stone Slab
? Salt-white, Salt-red
? Ruins of the Tea Horse Bureau
? A Not-so-distant Kingdom
? Lushi Town, A Place Beyond Time
? Chessboard
? Horse-shoe Workshop
? Rock Painting
? The Town of Benzilan, a Princess in Dance
? Mysterious Marks
? Buried in a Stone Coffin
? Horse Bells among Mountains
? Hitching Post
? Speaking of the Past
? Museum
? The Long Road is Boundless
? Leaving Lhasa