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手機(jī)訪問 手機(jī)端二維碼





師同南泉二三人去謁徑山,路逢一婆。乃問:“徑山路向甚處去?”婆日:“驀直去?!睅熑?“前頭水深過得否?”婆日:“不濕路?!睅熡謫?“上岸稻得與么好,下岸稻得與么怯?!逼湃?“總被螃蟹吃卻也?!睅熑?“禾好香?!?婆日:“沒氣息?!?師又問:“婆住在甚處?”婆日: ?“只在這里?!比酥恋?,婆煎茶一瓶,攜盞三只至,謂日:“和尚有神通者即吃茶。”三人相顧間,婆日:“看老朽自逞神通去也?!庇谑悄楸K傾茶便行?!?/span>

Baoche master, Nanquan master and someone else went to Jingshan Temple for worship, and they met with an old granny on the road. Baoche master asked: “which is the right road to Jingshan Temple?”?The granny answered: “go right ahead.”?The master asked again: “is the front river deep and can we pass?”?The granny answered: “you feet won’t get wet.”?Master asked: “why the rices on upstream shore grow so well, but those on downstream are so bad?”?The granny said: “they’re eaten by crabs.”?The master said happily: “the rices are fragrant.”?But the granny said: “l(fā)ittle fragrance.”?The master asked: “granny, where do you live?”?The granny said: “I just live here.”?The three people arrived in the shop. The granny brought a bottle of brewed tea and three tea cups, and said to them after brewing tea: “those with supernatural power can drink tea!”?The three people looked at each other and the granny said: “l(fā)et me show off supernatural power.”?Then she poured tea in tea cups and left.



寶徹禪師同南泉禪師一行二三人去朝拜徑山,路上遇到一個(gè)老婆婆。于是就問道:“到徑山該走哪條路?”老婆婆回答說:“一直往前走。”禪師又問:“前面的小河深不深,能過得去么?”老婆婆回答說: ;“不會(huì)濕腳。”禪師問:“上岸稻谷怎么長得那么好,下岸稻谷怎么長得那么孬?”老婆婆說:“都被螃蟹吃掉了?!倍U師喜滋滋地說:“禾苗好香?!崩掀牌艆s說:“沒什么香氣?!?禪師又問:“老婆婆住在什么地方?”老婆婆說:“就住在這里。”禪師一行三人到了店里, 老婆婆取了一瓶煎茶,拿來茶盞三只,烹好茶后對(duì)三人說:“和尚有神通的就高吃茶!”三人你看我,我看你,這時(shí)老婆婆說:“看老朽自逞神通去了?!庇谑悄闷鸩璞K斟茶便走。

Baoche master, Nanquan master and someone else went to Jingshan Temple for worship, and they met with an old granny on the road. Baoche master asked: “which is the right road to Jingshan Temple?”?The granny answered: “go right ahead.”?The master asked again: “is the front river deep and can we pass?”?The granny answered: “you feet won’t get wet.”?Master asked: “why the rices on upstream shore grow so well, but those on downstream are so bad?”?The granny said: “they’re eaten by crabs.”?The master said happily: “the rices are fragrant.”?But the granny said: “l(fā)ittle fragrance.”?The master asked: “granny, where do you live?”?The granny said: “I just live here.”?The three people arrived in the shop. The granny brought a bottle of brewed tea and three tea cups, and said to them after brewing tea: “those with supernatural power can drink tea!”?The three people looked at each other and the granny said: “l(fā)et me show off supernatural power.”?Then she poured tea in tea cups and left.



Original text from Volume 3 of?Five Deg Hui Yuan?.



Original text from Volume 3 of?Five Deg Hui Yuan?



About author

PAN Cheng, from Jiaxing, Zhejiang. Deputy secretary general of Chinese?International?Promotion of Tea Culture Transmission Base,?deputy director of Faculty of Tea Culture?in Zhejiang Agriculture and Forestry University, deputy secretary general of Hangzhou Tea Brand Promotion Association, tea space designer, tea art curator and writer. His master is professor WANG Xufeng, tea culture scholar and winner of The 5th?Mao Dun Literature Award, who devotes to research on tea literature and tea, artistic presentation of tea culture and international spread of tea culture. He once created large-scale artistic presentation of tea culture on stage?Chinese Tea Ballad and acted as director of large-scale drama of tea culture?Song with Six Admirations, etc. Besides, he has gone to many countries to give lectures and make communication about tea culture, including Italy, Serbia and Russia, etc.?
