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茶相關(guān)的幾個英語表達 - 日本茶文化







Here are two types of tea ceremony - the Chanoyu, sometimes called the Matcha, and the Sencha.



In?Japanese, it is called?chanoyu?(茶の湯)?or?sadō, chadō?(茶道), while the manner in which it is performed, or the art of its performance, is called?(o)temae?([お]手前; [お]點前).?

引自:Surak, Kristin (2013).?Making Tea, Making Japan: Cultural Nationalism in Practice. Stanford: Stanford University Press. p.?272.?ISBN?978-0-8047-7867-1.

The Chanoyu ceremony takes place in a wooden or bamboo teahouse called a Chashitsu.



A?chashitsu?(茶室, "tea room") in?Japanese?tradition is an architectural space designed to be used for?tea ceremony?(chanoyu) gatherings.?

引自:A Chanoyu Vocabulary: Practical Terms for the Way of Tea,?entry for ?chashitsu . Tankosha Publishing Co., 2007.

Tea is one of the most popular drinks in Japan and a tea ceremony is a very important and special event. It is a time to relax and enjoy the loveliness of the simple things around you.



分享UKTEA&INFUSIONS網(wǎng)站關(guān)于茶文化的系列文章之一,原文名為《Japanese Tea Ceremonies》。文章短小精煉,雖然沒有文化歷史的深度加持,但以老外的視角來看,也直截了當(dāng)。


The garden around the teahouse is very simple with lots of green plants rather than flowers, a small rock garden, and a stream. A path winds its way through the garden leading to the teahouse. (茶室所在的院子非常簡約,巖石細流,綠茵環(huán)繞。院里子有一條蜿蜒小路通往茶室。)

First you must wait at the entrance to the garden until you are calm and ready to enter. The Teishu or tea master welcomes you when you are in the garden. He or she brings fresh water for you drink and to wash your hands. Now you follow the Teishu along the path to the teahouse. (心靜如水后方可進院,此時茶室的主人已在院里迎接。根據(jù)主人示意,客人先飲水后凈手,然后才沿著小路去茶室。)

【?Chanoyu World】解釋:

The Teishu?亭主, or “Master of the Pavilion” (for some reason Sekishu 席主 is not used here) is also known as “the East” or Tou 東. In modern Chinese it still means “owner; one who stands treat.” In Zen practice, the Abbot or retired Abbot lived in the “Eastern Hall 東堂” and was thus known as “Eastern Hall.” Even today, the properly built Zen main hall is known as the Abbot’s quarters or Hojo 方丈. The classical size of the Hojo is about 10 foot square which equals the size of the four and a half tatami room.

When doing temae the host has the guest on the right side. The guest might be seated on the left side, but then the temae is known as Gyakugatte.

Inside the teahouse, the Teishu makes the tea using powdered green tea called ?matcha . The tea is mixed with boiled water using a bamboo whisk and served in small bowls. (在茶室,主人把抹茶盛入小茶碗,倒沸水再用茶筅攪拌之,以示茶道。)

Guests sit on the floor around a low table. When the Teishu gives you your tea, bow, take your bowl with your left hand, and then hold it with your right hand.?Place the bowl in front of you and turn it to the right so that you don t drink from the side that was facing you. Usually the Teishu gives you a sweet cake or a mochi to eat as well because the tea is bitter. (客人圍著低腳茶桌席地而坐,鞠躬后,用左手接主人遞的茶碗,再換到右手端之??腿诵枵鎸χ柰氩⒂肄D(zhuǎn)之,以防有圖案的一面被喝掉。通常,主人備有甜點或糯米團以解茶之苦味。)

When you have finished your tea turn the bowl to the left and place it on the table in front of you - you must drink it all! You turn the bowl to show the Teishu respect: it means that the edge of the cup he gave you was the best, but you are not good enough to drink from that side. Sometimes the guests share one bowl that they pass around. (飲畢,左轉(zhuǎn)茶碗并奉還到茶桌上,以示尊重。意思是,主人遞給客人杯子的那一面是最好的,你答謝其用心所以轉(zhuǎn)而飲之,再轉(zhuǎn)而還之。有時,客人們輪流傳遞用同一個茶碗。)

The Sencha ceremony, is more relaxed than the Chanoyu ceremony. The rules for serving the tea are traditional but the occasion is more easy-going for the tea drinkers. (相比抹茶,煎茶偏靈活。雖然奉茶的講究很傳統(tǒng),但對客人來說,環(huán)境和場合更輕松一些。)


Sencha?(煎茶) is a type of Japanese?ryokucha?(緑茶,?green tea) which is prepared by infusing the processed whole tea leaves in hot water.

?This is as opposed to?matcha?(抹茶), powdered Japanese green tea, where the green tea powder is mixed with hot water and therefore the leaf itself is included in the beverage. Sencha is the most popular tea in Japan.

Most people in Japan don t have their own teahouse but they often belong to a ?tea club ?where they go every week to take part in the tea ceremony. (大部分日本人沒有自己的茶室,但他們往往是協(xié)會成員,每周相約茶道。)

這篇文章雖然沒把日本茶道鋪開來講,但可與中國茶文化,韓國茶文化,俄羅斯茶文化等對比理解(后兩者下期更新)。了解中國茶文化可點擊:茶相關(guān)的幾個英語表達 - 茶文化與茶相關(guān)的幾個英語表達 - 茶文化(這是兩篇哦~,名字一樣內(nèi)容互補)


1.?不定期更新tea time,內(nèi)容選自native speaker的原文片段。





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茶相關(guān)的幾個英語表達 - 茶文化(上)

? ?分享幾個日常生活中可能用到的地道表達(16)






The art of drinking and serving tea is an important and special event in China. It is a time to relax and enjoy the taste and the smell of the tea.


The Chinese tea ceremony is all about the tea.?


The smells and taste are the most important parts of the ceremony, so the rules for making and pouring the tea are not always the same.



分享UKTEA&INFUSIONS網(wǎng)站關(guān)于茶文化的系列文章之一,原文名為《Chinese Tea Ceremonies》。文章短小精煉,雖然沒有文化歷史的深度加持,但以老外的視角來看,也直截了當(dāng)。


In most areas of China the tea is made in small clay teapots. The pot is rinsed with boiling water and then the tea leaves are added to the pot using a bamboo scoop. The tea leaves are rinsed in hot water in the pot and then hot water is added to the leaves to make the tea.(中國大部分地區(qū)用小的泥壺泡茶。先熱水凈壺,再用竹勺撥些許茶葉放入。洗茶后,倒入熱水沖泡。)

The temperature of the water is important. It needs to be hot but if it is too hot it can spoil the taste. (水溫很關(guān)鍵。水溫要高但不能過高,否則會破壞滋味。)

The art of preparing and making tea is called Cha Dao.(這種準備和沖泡茶的藝術(shù)被稱之為茶道。)

In less than a minute, the server pours the tea into small narrow cups but he doesn t pour one cup at a time. Instead the cups are arranged in a circle and the server pours the tea in all of them in one go. (沖泡時間不到一分鐘時,奉茶人將泡好的茶倒進小而細長的杯子(注:也可以直接翻譯成聞香杯),但不能一次只倒一杯;相反,這些杯子擺成一圈,需先后都倒入茶。)

He fills the cups just over half way. The Chinese believe that the rest of the cup is filled with friendship and affection. (茶只倒半杯多,因為中國人相信留白處是情誼。)(注:也可以直接理解為茶倒七分滿,留三分是情誼。)

The server passes a cup to each guest and invites him or her to smell the tea first. You should thank him by tapping on the table three times with your finger. Next each guest pours their tea into a drinking cup and they are asked to smell the empty narrow cup. Finally they drink the tea. (奉茶人把聞香杯依次傳給賓客,請他們先聞香,而賓客則用手指敲三下桌面以示感謝。接著,賓客把聞香杯中的茶倒入品茗杯,細聞空杯香后再品飲。)

It is most polite to empty the cup in three swallows. (最禮貌的喝法是一杯茶分三口喝完。)

另一篇茶文化的英文表達,比今天這篇更詳盡一些,可點擊:茶相關(guān)的幾個英語表達 - 茶文化



1.?不定期更新tea time,內(nèi)容選自native speaker的原文片段。





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